Miracle in Cell No.7

Published August 21, 2013 by Novi Eldanita

Salah seorang teman kantor merekomendasikan sebuah film korea, katanya dari awal sampai akhir film ini menyedihkan. Judul filmnya “Miracle in Cell No.7”. Yah, sebenarnya aku sudah tahu judul film ini sejak lama (gak lama kali lah, sekitar beberapa minggu yang lalu), tapi karena kulihat covernya gak oke (maksudnya pemainnya gak ganteng) so aku tak tertarik untuk nonton film ini. Lalu kemudian karena temanku bilang film ini bagus dan aku memang suka film yang sedih, jadi akhirnya ku download-lah film ini. Dan hari minggu kemarin aku sudah menontonnya. So mari kita bahas tentang film ini. Tapi aku hanya akan menceritakan inti ceritanya saja, jadi jika kalian ingin lebih tahu lebih mendetail, silahkan download atau beli dvdnya di toko dvd terdekat :D.


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Shuffling Card Algorithm

Published May 30, 2013 by Novi Eldanita

Card games have been mankind’s favorite passtime long before the era of computers. Many, perhaps most, popular card games have been programmed into computer software.

Every card game I have ever seen starts by shuffling the cards. The purpose of the shuffling is to rearrange the cards in a more-or-less random order.

Surprisingly, despite the popularity of card games among computer users, just about any programming textbook teaches several algorithms on how to sort a pack of cards but most offer no clue on how to shuffle it. Read the rest of this entry →

Makanan Penyebab Stroke

Published May 12, 2013 by Novi Eldanita

Stroke adalah penyebab kematian terbanyak ke-tiga di Amerika. Seseorang mengalami stroke saat pembuluh darah yang mengarah ke otak menjadi pecah atau terhambat oleh gumpalan darah, kondisi ini akan membuat otak jadi kekurangan oksigen dan nutrisi yang diperlukan.Adapun ada beberapa jenis makanan yang akan meningkatkan kemungkinan seseorang untuk terkena stroke. Makanan jenis ini sebaiknya kita hindari atau jangan terlalu sering dikonsumsi.

1. Cracker, keripik, pastry, makanan yang dipanggang, kentang goreng, makanan beku
Makanan jenis ini sebaiknya dihindari karena biasanya kaya akan lemak jenuh (trans fat) yang akan menyebabkan menumpuknya kolestrol jahat dalam darah. Konsumsi lemak jenuh setiap harinya seharusnya tidak lebih dari 1-2 gram.

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Model of Conventional Crytosystem

Published April 28, 2013 by Novi Eldanita

Model of Conventional Cryptosystem

We assume that it is impractical to decrypt a message on the basis of the ciphertext plus knowledge of the encryption/decryption algorithm. In other words, we do not need to keep the algorithm secret; we need to keep only the key secret. This feature of symmetric encryption is what makes it feasible for widespread use. The fact that the algorithm need not be kept secret means that manufacturers can and have developed low-cost chip implementations of data encryption algorithms. These chips are widely available and incorporated into a number of products. With the use of symmetric encryption, the principal security problem is maintaining the secrecy of the key. Read the rest of this entry →

Jacques Mesrine – The Man of a Hundred Faces

Published April 24, 2013 by Novi Eldanita

Jacques Mesrine (28 December 1936 – 2 November 1979) was one of the most infamous criminals in modern French history. He was responsible for numerous murders, bank robberies, burglaries, and kidnappings in France and Canada. Mesrine repeatedly escaped from prison and made international headlines during a final period as a fugitive when his exploits included trying to kidnap a judge who had sentenced him. An aptitude for disguise earned him the moniker “The Man of a thousand Faces” and enabled him to remain at large while receiving massive publicity as a wanted man. Mesrine was widely seen as an anti-establishment ‘Robin Hood’ figure. In keeping with his charismatic image, he was rarely without a glamorous female companion. A pair of films which came out in 2008 were based on Mesrine’s life. Read the rest of this entry →